Fiscal suicide leap.

Another day another major crisis in the US political system. For months now we’ve heard about the the big scary fiscal cliff that threatens to doom us all. But really this is another example of the inability of US politicians to get anything done. We had the same problem last year when they couldn’t agree to raise the debt ceiling, as a result the put it off till now and got their credit rating cut. They couldn’t agree then nothing has really changed so who knows they think they can agree now. The big difference this time is they put a deadline on negotiations this time and said if we don’t agree we’re going to just automatically cut spending, increase taxes and kill the economy. Who thought this was a good idea? Everyone seems to agree this combination is a sure fire way to send the American economy back into recession and knock its GDP back about 4%. So why on earth would you set a deadline with this suicidal move at the end of it . I have no idea and apparently no one else does either. This all seems man made and self inflicted, they should just put up their hands and say OK this was a bad idea we’re not going to implement these automatic measures. Of course they won’t because they’re politicians and their either stupid or stubborn. I doubt the American people voted for any of these guys on the basis that their stubbornness and refusal to compromise would lead the country back into recession.

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