So I see here on your résumé you were the Pope?

Pope Benedictus XVI

Pope Benedictus XVI (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So the Pope or Ex-Pope has decided to resign his post becoming the first pope to do so in 600 years. Now call me old-fashioned but doesn’t it seem like being pope is kind of one of those do it for life kind of jobs? Being one of the oldest Popes to ever be elected his reason for stepping down, “his age was weighing on him”, doesn’t really hold water. You’d think at 78 you would know your no spring Pope and being the leader of the Catholic world was probably going to be a big commitment. To me it doesn’t really seem fitting for a pope to resign. Touted as God’s representative on earth, that doesn’t really seem like something you should just be able to walk away from. I mean really what do you say in your resignation speech?

“God didn’t really like the job I was doing and thought he could find someone better as I’ve had too many sick days, so he had to let me go.”

That’s not really going to cut it. If your going to take on one of the most high-profile and demanding jobs in the world, one that is generally accepted as post for life don’t leave while your still kicking! Realistically I’m not sure a 78-year-old is an entirely appropriate choice to be a top leader in the world, whether this is religious or political. It’s not ageist it’s just common sense, whilst they might want to do it and it might be the climax of their life work if they aren’t suitable for the job they should not put them selves in the position to take it up. All the experience and qualifications in the aren’t going to be any good to you if your body and mind are failing you.  President Reagan was getting on during his second term and unfortunately his age was starting to show at that point with his mind maybe not being as sharp as it once was. If the mind or the body is not capable of doing a job don’t do it! An old man wouldn’t try to climb Everest or attempt some incredible feat of endurance but that is effectively what it is like holding these high profile positions. There is constant stress, travel etc, I imagine it is incredibly wearing even on a young man. The state of the institution they are heading can only be damaged by upheaval and stress caused by an ailing leader, or next new leadership challenges and changes. I’m not having a go at Benedict, I’m sure he thought he could manage but that was obviously not the case, people need to rational when taking on these types of challenges. In conclusion if your old and frail and you might not last the course don’t put your self up for a stressful position, whether it be pope or president.

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