Posts Tagged Iran

Nuclear Korea, the future of Iran?

North Korea and weapons of mass destruction

North Korea and weapons of mass destruction (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It was announced today that North Korea conducted its third nuclear test. As we’d all expect the world responded quickly with some harsh…words. As we’ve seen happen all too many times before with North Korea they do something provocative and all we get is words. Sure there are plenty of sanctions in place and it’s an isolated hell hole but obviously that isn’t doing much to deter them from developing missile and nuclear technology. The UN warned of “Significant consequences” whilst President Obama was calling for “swift action”. OK well we’ve heard that before and not much has happened. North Korea is already isolated and its people suffering so what more are planning to do? Unless China gets on board sanctions aren’t going to cut it anymore so these words of warning aren’t going to be scaring anyone in North Korea. Contrast the situation there to that of Iran, North Korea’s technology is clearly more advanced and they are closer to making a viable weapon. However I don’t hear anyone calling for war with North Korea which is the debate you get every time Iran takes a breath. Now obviously there are more options open when dealing with Iran in that sanctions are more likely to work as it is more plugged into the global economy. So you have to ask, why are people ready to invade Iran but not Korea? The answer I imagine is China, whatever North Korea does it literally has China right next to it. No one particularly wants to go to war with China. If Iran had a superpower buddy right next-door you can but the political hawks wouldn’t be so keen to go and bust down their front door. Either way the West generally looks fairly impotent, when dealing with potentially nuclear threats. Sure the talk a good game but when it comes to stepping up and stopping nuclear proliferation I’m not seeing much action. If the UN and America do want to seriously stop countries like Iran and North Korea this is going to be the year to do, it’s going to take some bold action and less worthless words. Welcome to the year of the Snake.

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